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Advantages of living in Cyprus

What is Cyprus phenomenon? Why has this relatively small island become a favourite holiday and permanent residence place for a great number of foreigners from all over the world? Let us make a short list of Cyprus advantages.

Wonderful climate and a healthy environment

We have lately asked one of our clients why he chose Cyprus in particular? His answer was brief – “because Cyprus is the only European country where one can bathe in the sea in November”. There are moreover 320 sunny days a year in Cyprus. At the same time there are mountains in Cyprus with snow cover in winter and with 4 ski lifts installed for skiers.

The environmental conditions are as good as the climate. Cyprus population is only 1mln people. There are no large industrial enterprises, which could pollute the environment. Car park is modern and uses only petrol/diesel of European quality. Fourty nine Cyprus beaches, i.e. hundreds of kilometres of coast line have been awarded the international certificate of environmental friendliness “Blue Flag”.

Safe and comfortable life

In Cyprus there is one of the lowest crime rate in the European Union. There are no places where it is not recommended to purchase property due to proximity to this or that problematic area. There are no steel entrance doors as a notion. Fencing height is limited to 1.2m.

Cyprus is a European country on the one hand. There is democracy and order there. On the other hand the whole Cyprus life is wrapped around by the spirit of openness and lightness opposite to the heavy spirit of pedantry and life according to the rules. One of the reasons is surely small size of the country where people know one another. One can come to a bakery and, having forgotten to bring along money, ask to be allowed to take a loaf of bread and to bring the money later on.

Cypriots are not xenophobes. In contrast to residents of many other countries Cypriots historically treat foreigners very well. Almost all the Cypriots speak English and at a high level at that. Cypriots gladly and willingly marry foreigners.

High standard of living

Cyprus has been a member of the European Union since 2004. Since 2008 Cyprus has been in the Euro Zone.

According to GDP per head Cyprus has caught up with Italy.

Average lifetime is 78 years by men and 81 years by women. Cyprus has modern and effective Healthcare system.

Qualitative education

Perhaps in Cyprus there is one of the best systems of secondary education in the entire Mediterranean. One can choose both English and Greek and even Russian schools.

There are private English schools providing complete cycle of primary and secondary education in all the major cities of Cyprus

Ease of immigration

The immigration legislation is currently extremely liberal. Provided that you are purchasing property exceeding €300,000 you can obtain a permanent lifelong residence permit in the EU. Term of obtaining residence permit - 2 months maximum.

Investment opportunities

Significant reserves of natural gas have been found and confirmed in the Mediterranean offshore in economic area of the Republic of Cyprus. Its production on an industrial scale is planned for 2022-2023. The revenue of the production considering the small size of Cyprus will make it a truly prosperous country and will lead to an increase in property prices.

Business. Many European, Russian, Indian and other companies have their head offices moved to Cyprus or open their representations there. This is connected with unique atmosphere created there for business. This is the lowest level of taxes in the EU and  minimum of bureaucracy.


Probably the most important thing is that foreigners whatever nationality they are and whether purchasing holiday houses or permanently residing on the island feel at home in Cyprus. Absolutely everyone feels good and comfortable there. Most likely for all that Cyprus phenomenon mostly consists in that very amazing atmosphere. Not accidental, that foreigners now account for more than 1 in 5 of the population. This is the second rate in Europe.

Visit us in Cyprus, we will be sincerely happy to see you!

Detailed information related to contemporary Cyprus, healthcare and education, and other aspects of Cyprus life is available at other pages of this section.

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28 March 2025
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